Thursday, October 26, 2000

Hockey Momma

We came in second!!!

to last that is. The good news is we weren't the worse.

but let me take you back to the beginning...

I'm sitting on the plane, visualizing taking someone out on the rink. My hand brushed my watch, and the crystal was gone. The second hand had poked me. How odd, I thought. Time was not only standing still at the moment, but was trying to get my attention. Then I broke a fingernail. I got up to use the restroom and my favorite earring was just barely hanging on....

I'm not superstitious. Here I was leaving for Las Vegas and all this happen in the first five minutes or so. My thoughts went to "I wonder how many pieces I might be coming back in!"

We arrived safely, I might add. Checked into the Stratosphere. It looks like the Space Needle in Seattle except it has a roller coaster on the very top. We all sat around as a team and looked scared. I was of course, trying to be brave, and not telling everyone about the run of bad luck on the plane.

Our first game was at 11:00pm. Before we went in to face our enemy, we gathered around the car, and I had everyone join me as we prayed for the rapture to take place immediately. I know God answers prayer. I felt for a moment that he had abandoned me. But I realized He was telling me to go in there and kick some butt...

We got womped! I would have kicked some butt, but I couldn't catch them. Those butts were fast! There were college girls who where born with skates on their feet and pucks for pacifiers. They were gracious winners. We decided as a group that we were going for the sportsmanship award.

We lost the sportsmanship award in the next womp! Their butts weren't quite as fast, and I was able to kick a few of them. Our confidence was building.

We lost our third game, but at least we had a few goals. I got tangled with one of them, wouldn't let go of her, and she wasn't able to score. I want to tell you I saved the game, but they were too far ahead by then. So it didn't really matter much, except I look good on the video.

Our fourth game was much the same. Fast butts, a few kicks here and there. More points off our sportsmanship award. But this team was fun. They were only about one level above us. As we were playing, I got to leaning on one of the defensive players -- she looked at me and said "Hey, another old player like me" which I quickly replied "Yeah, so lets be easy on each
other!" The players on the bench were wondering what in the world we were talking about.

By this time I was going thru the grieving process. Mad that this old body just couldn't do what I wanted it to. Then I got embarrassed that I was even there. Then I decided what the heck, it will make a great story. I can honestly say that I played in a tournament with the first women hockey player in the NHL...

They did at some point in the games, divide the Great Ones from the recreational ones...It didn't help.

Here are some comments overheard in the arena:
Bless their hearts!!!!
Keep trying!
You all are looking better!
Why don't we have as nice of jerseys as them? (We at least looked good)
Skate Hard!
What the hell am I doing here?
I think I'm going to throw up!
You aren't out of it yet!

We left the tournament, not in last though. We got second to last. I met lots of wonderful female hockey players of all ages. Mostly younger though.

That was the fun part.

I found myself in the casinos, still leaning on people to get them out of my way.

They are having this tournament next year.
Am I going?

Are you nuts!

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