Saturday, May 07, 2005


We all have one, some have two or more. Mother, Mother-in-law, step-mother...and the grandest of all - grandmother.
Some mothers are still alive, others have gone on, and live in the hearts of their kids. Some become mothers at an early age, others later in life. Some are mothers of babies, others have kittens and puppies.

I like my mother.
I was the second baby of five. She did a good job, I think, although there were times we didn't like each other. Mothers can take it. I know. I'm a mother now of two. There are days I sit and marvel at the two beings I helped create. Then there are days that I hardly recognize them in their adolescent stretching of their wings.

I hear my mother every day. I hear her in the tone of voice I use with my kids to clean their rooms, or to pick up after themselves. I hear her when I tell them to eat their vegetables, or to brush their teeth. I hear her when we talk on the phone, and catch up the little things of life.

Now I'm starting to see her everywhere. I see my mother when I look in the mirror and see my graying hair. The wrinkles on my face have formed through the years. I think they are genetically linked to her. The road maps on our faces are the same. When I prepare dinner, I see my mother's hands. Mine are shaped just like hers.

I hope my kids can see and hear me the rest of their lives. Just like I see my mother.

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