Friday, March 17, 2006


Best friends. I'm convinced that throughout our lifetime, we get just a few "best" friends. They are the ones that go way back in our life. They know our history, because they've been so much a part of it. New friends take a bit of breaking in. It takes time to go over everything to get them up to speed. I've had that same feeling when going to see a new therapist. It took 2 sessions just to get the history of my life out in an understandable timeline sort of fashion. And then years to figure out what happened.

Norma is the reason my mom is still alive. During the darkest days of my mom's life, she always had Norma to talk to. Lunch. Every Thursday. They were both accomplished artists. I have such vivid memories of going to art shows, and seeing my mom's art up on one wall, and then seeing Norma's on another.

My mom just lost her best friend Norma. They have been friends forever. I never had a real aunt, but Norma was everything a real aunt could be. She has become part of our verbal history in our family. Whenever there was any sort of event or celebration, Norma just had to be told. Many, many times at the end of my phone conversations with my mom, I would say "Make sure Norma knows". I will miss her.

Norma. My mom's best friend, and my hero!


Anonymous said...

This was beautiful. I am also blessed with a friend like Norma.

Tracey said...

Judy- just discovered your blog because of RAAM and found this tribute to my mom. Thank you for your beautiful words. My family felt the same way about your mom. Mary was just as much a part of our family. So happy that our moms had each other to lean on. And I still feel their connection through you and Karen.

Good luck on your huge adventure. Love hearing about it. You are so much like your mom! Amazing.