Friday, September 14, 2007

open letter to Billie Jean King

I hope this letter reaches you, through all the emails, phone calls, and daily memos. I just wanted to say thank you for all your given to me personally as a woman, and a tennis player.

I even think my dear mother would thank you. She listened to the endless sound of tennis balls hitting our garage door, as I stood in the gutter, and blasted my serve just like I saw you do so many times on TV. I mimicked every move. I would pick a spot and try to hit it over and over again. The returning ball was my constant opponent, so I never lacked for a rally. I don't recall ever doing this after my dad came home from work. I think after a long day at the Chevron service station, he was tired, and wanted to enjoy his easy chair, can of beer, and the evening news. It wasn't the case with our next door neighbor. The back door would open, as they would plead for me to stop. I just changed locations, and found a wall in the alley to continue my match.

I played when I was a kid in Southern Calif, in the 60s. I learned on the public courts, and every summer would sign up for every session. I played all the local tournaments, and won, not only in my division, but as I played up. An eight year old, beating the 16 year olds was a victory for me, and devastated the older kids. I listened in on my friends private lessons from the pros, and immediately put into practice what I heard. Even today, I listen in on the pros at my tennis club and smile. It takes me way back, to when I was just a kid, wanting someone...anyone to discovery me...and give me a chance in the big leagues.

I became too cool for tennis during my teen years....the lack of opportunity for women to compete was replace by wanting to fit in with my peers. I even tried to hide my tennis tan...I was the only one with white feet! But not now! I wear my tennis tan proudly. My white feet are a testament to the pure joy I have on the clay courts. I play on lots of teams, and take lessons from the pros. I pronounce to my family, every time there is a tennis tournament on TV that the HD set is mine! No Sponge Bob Square Pants this week!

I know you have received many deserving awards. My gosh, the mecca of tennis is named after you. But I want to stand and applaud you, for giving this young kid a vision for greatness and a reason to hit thousands of tennis balls on every wall in Ventura. I am 54 now, and I have people stop me often and say "you have such a classic style of play like Billie Jean"...or they say..."you look like someone..." "yes, yes, I know. I look like Billie Jean". I live in Sarasota Florida. Martina lives here, and I often see her eating at Simons, a local hangout. One day we passed each other at the exit. She did a double take, looking at me. I let her have her privacy, but what I really wanted to say was "Yes, yes, I look like Billie Jean!"

The other day I was filling out one of those online question/answer survey. Who would you like to hesitation here - Billie Jean.

If your ever in Sarasota Florida, Please stop by. I know a few walls, that could use a match or two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great letter.... she is an inspiration to so many women!