Friday, June 06, 2014

Judy's Big Adventure

RAAM - Race Across America. One of the world toughest races. West Coast to East Coast. First one that gets there wins. Extreme weather... extreme terrain. There was a time, not too long ago, that I believed I could do anything. I really do feel like that inside.  My spirit knows no tired muscles and aging bones. It's not until I look in the mirror and see the white hair, the skin not so tight, and wrinkles, that I sigh. I have a great life. I am surrounded by family and friends that love me, support me and share in some crazy things.

Tomorrow I am leaving for Oceanside, CA to join the team as Jacquie Schlitter goes on her solo quest across the states. I am part of about a dozen people that have come together and our sole purpose is to love her across the states - the support crew will be in three vehicles - sprinter van called "Lola", the RV called "Harvey" and "Pablo" the passenger van.

It will take a village to do this. We have mechanics, a nurse and fellow cyclists. Some of them have done the race before, some have crewed before, and some are newby's. I'm a newby. I really don't know what I've gotten myself into, but I do know one thing. I love Jacquie and she inspires me to be better at everything I do. She is like that. An inspiration.

John & Jacquie Schlitter

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