Saturday, August 20, 2005

The 50's Style

I loved turning 50. I loved all the celebrating and the fuss. It was my day, and I embraced it with everything in my being. Trying to dress like a mature person is another matter. I just can't seem to find a style that portrays the new me. If I just go with comfort, then the discussions ends right here - jeans. I'm trying to come in to the new me with an artistic flair, with classiness and edginess. I wish clothing store layouts were different....I can wander in the Misses section, find things in the Junior area, and sneak into the Plus aisles. I wish it was Artsy, Classic, Comfort, Snooty, Anything Denim. Then break it down by decades. It would help. I wouldn't have to wonder if I looked good in low cut butt crack jeans, and cropped tops.

I'm taking a trip overseas soon. I'm going to a foreign country where no one knows me, and I want to dress wild and artsy. To the department store I went, with my teenage daughter. She has a wonderful sense of style. It helps being a size one, and no stretch marks, and a bottom that hasn't gone south.

We combed the sales rack with diligence and determination. I would hold up something, and I would know in an instant if it was a keeper or not, by the look on her face. "This is great, but not for you" "Do you think I would look good in this?" "Step away from it mom, no way." "Mom, you've got to try this...even if its a size 6" Yeah right. We got the biggest dressing room to hold our armload of potential "looks". She layed them out, and started handing them to me. Some worked, others we had a good laugh. I needed help getting out of the size six. An hour went by, and we narrowed it down to three great "new look" outfits. As the clerk was ringing it all up, my daughter, who has helped me find a new style that won't embarrass her if we are seen in public together, sighs, "I need some chocolate" Now, that is a seasoned shopper.

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