Saturday, August 06, 2005

Dark Rimmed Glasses

You are what you wear! I've learned how to get a bit of edge when I go on the tennis court. A killer outfit. It goes with a killer attittude and a killer serve. Somehow strutting helps and bouncing a ball. A good pair of dark rimmed glasses helps to hide the nervousness, and frustration. They are also good at hiding tears. These are the behind the scenes lessons that I have learned in life. Look better than you are. Look the part. When I first got invited to play tennis after many years of "doing other things", I just had to have the right outfit. There was no way I was going to show up in something that would not bolster my flimsy self confidence. It didn't matter that my timing was off, and I hit everything out. At least I looked good hitting it out.

I stood in a pool today talking with a dear friend. No killer outfits, just our swimsuits. Can't hide much there. He's my friend, and a therapist. He told me about a time when he tried to look the part of a really smart shrink - the three piece dark suit, power tie, wing tips. Even a pair of dark rimmed glasses! When his daughter was young, she overheard him on the phone with a client. "Daddy, you were using your doctor's voice" It was a turning point for him to be just who is he is.

I went to the theatre the other day, and a whole busload of ladies showed up wearing purple dresses with red hats. I like that poem "When I am old, I will wear purple" I read it many years ago when I was younger. I sent it to my mother, with a photo of herself that I had retouched and made her shirt purple. But I think their missing the point. The point is not being like everyone else, and being comfortable in your own skin, not looking like 100 other old ladies. There is a whole industry of "Red Hat" paraphernalia. So much for being unique!

Now, when I hit the tennis courts, my outfits don't quite match. The blues are a bit off, and I don't really care. I'm more concerned with how my timing is that day, and if the serves are going in. My game is back, and my confidence is soaring. I exited the pool with much to think about. I said goodby and as I glanced back, I noticed that he was wearing dark rimmed glasses.

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